Insanity asylum review and results
Insanity asylum review and results

insanity asylum review and results

Because the workouts were longer, I had to manage my time more efficiently.įavorite video: Game day! Yes this is the longest workout (over 60 minutes), but it had every type of sport that you can think of. I had figure out when it was the best time to workout and also squeeze in runs and my school. If there is anything that I learned during this program was time management. Yes an hour so be prepared! So in truth this program is not for the faint of heart. All videos with the exception of the fit test and relief run any where between 35min-1hr. Because I was doing my long runs over the weekends, I had to alter the schedule so I could rest the day before and not have a very crazy workout the day I ran.

insanity asylum review and results

The fit test is rough but is merely a speck compared to the rest of the program.

insanity asylum review and results

In the Beginning: Well your first workout is a fit test that is done the day before you actually start the program. This program is completely HIGH INTENSITY and HIGH IMPACT so its not a started program like PiYo or 21 Day Fix and even Focus T25. It uses your own body to sculpt you body much like Insanity. This expansion to Insanity helps that athlete reach their next potential. 1 is a sport addition pack created by the awesome Shaun T creator of Focus T25 and Insanity. The asylum incorporates many of the sports many train for. So what is Insanity: The Asylum? The Asylum Vol. I have in the past done some of the Insanity workouts so I knew what I was kind of getting myself into. What did I expect? In all honesty I knew it was going to be gruesome and intense. My very honest review for Insanity: The Asylum.

Insanity asylum review and results